Our pool has connected the Hood River Community since 1988.
The schedule below is our general pool schedule. The calendar at the bottom of this page has the list of programs and special events taking place at the pool each day. The calendar is current.
Recreation Pool Lane Allocations
Check out the lane allocation charts below for an hour-by-hour snapshot of lap lane usage in the Recreation Pool.
Pool Google Calendar
The google calendar below gives the daily snapshot of all the programs and special groups using the facility. You can click on detailed activity for more detailed information.
Pool Policies
Shower & Locker Room Policies
Shower passes costs $2.00.
Children must be 5 years of age or younger to use the opposite gender locker room.
A family changing room is available on deck.
Pursuant to the Oregon Equality Act, transgender persons may use the locker room or shower corresponding to the gender to which they identify.