Pool Closed Due to Chemical Shortage

The Hood River Aquatic Center will be closed Saturday, August 6th and Sunday, August 7th due to a C02 shortage in the Pacific Northwest. Proper balancing of chemicals is required to maintain pool water chemistry and keep patrons safe.

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Ally Kriskewic
Hood River Valley Parks and Recreation District Awarded ODOT Grant to Complete the Missing Link of the Indian Creek Trail

Hood River Valley Parks and Recreation District (District) was chosen as one of 25 projects to receive federal funding from the Oregon Transportation Commission for the Oregon Community Paths (OCP) Grant Program. This grant money will go towards completing one of the District’s main goals for over 20 years: to complete the final, missing link on the Indian Creek Trail.

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Marcie Wily
Hood River Parks + Rec Receives 2023 Grant Funding from the USA Swimming Foundation

Hood River Valley Parks and Recreation District (District) was chosen as one of 35 adult programs from the USA Swimming Foundation’s nationwide network of swim lesson providers to receive grant funding for 2023. This is the fifth year that the District has received grant money from the USA Swimming Foundation and US Masters Swimming. This grant funding will allow Hood River Valley Parks and Recreation District, in cooperation with Columbia Gorge Masters Swim Team, to offer four (4) free swim lessons during the month of August to any interested adult 18 years of age and older.

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Marcie Wily
Hiring Daytime Lifeguards

The Hood River Aquatic Center is hiring daytime lifeguards. The lifeguard certification course is $250, but if hired and successfully employed for three months, you will be reimbursed for the class.

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Guest User
Adult Learn to Swim Classes in August

It’s never too late to learn how to swim. We are offering free adult swim classes for all skill levels – from the complete beginner with possible fear of the water, to the swimmer who wants to master the basic strokes and breathing, to the more advanced swimmer who would like to improve stroke technique.

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Guest User