FY 25-26 System Development Charge Rates
Press Release
For immediate release
From: Mark Hickok, Hood River Valley Parks and Recreation District Director
Collections of the SDC funds are done by the City and County offices concurrent with collection of other building permit fees applicable to residential development. In response to community input the Parks District’s Master plan identifies several top
• Continue to expand a District-wide trail system
• Improve existing parks and to expand capacity & safety
• Partner with other entities to increase sports field use and recreation
Effective July 1st, 2025, the rates for System Development Charges throughout the entire
Parks District will increase. They will be $7,469 for single-family dwellings, $5,265 for
multi-family, $2,700 for lodging units, and $3,057 for Farm Worker Units. Hood River
Valley Parks and Recreation District will be collecting the System Development Charges
throughout Hood River County, excluding Cascade Locks.
System Development Charges (SDC’s) are fees charged to new residential developments
(single family homes, manufactured homes, duplexes, duplex conversions, townhouses,
accessory dwelling units and condominiums) to help pay a portion of the costs of capital
facilities needed to expand the capacity of the Parks District’s facilities. These fees are
essential to assist in providing new parks, trails and other open space for the growing
SDC’s were implemented by the Parks District within the City Urban Growth Area (UGA)
in 1994. The methodology and rates established in 1994 were updated in 1998, 2005,
and 2017 to reflect changes in costs since that time, and to address facility needs
identified in the District Master Plan.
If you would like more information about Hood River Valley Parks and Recreation
District or the System Development Charges please call District Director, Mark Hickok at
541-386-5720 or e-mail mark@hoodriverparksandrec.org. We welcome your input.